2nd Southeast Asia Utilities Innovation Forum
Jose Antonio Valdez, Vice President, Head of Marketing Customer Solutions and Innovations, Manila Electric Company (inviting), Philippines
REYNALDO B. BADILLA, Technical Services Department Deputy Head, Board Member, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), Philippines
Suwat Chiochanchai, Deputy Governor, Provincial Electricity Authority, Thailand
Nguyen Hai Ha, Head of AMI, National Power Transmission Corporation (EVN), Vietnam
Datuk Ir. Baharin bin Din, Vice President of Distribution Division, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia
Alex Cruikshank, Manager Energy Market Regulation, AGL Energy, Australia
Sebastian Lacson, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Visayan Electric Company, Philippines
Emmanuel Sotomil, Head of Metering National Grid Corporation, Tranmission, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), Philippines
Kriti Gupta, Senior Engineer, Innovation and Technology Section, Operations Governance Department, Singapore Powergrid Ltd
Dr. Bartosz K. Wojszczyk, Utility & Smart Grid Expert
Alan F. Townsend, Representative, World Bank, Philippines
Jesse Ang, Resident Representative, International Finance Corporation(IFC), Philippines
Ravi Seethapathy, Consultant, Smart Grid, Adjunct Professor, University of Toronto, Canada
菲律宾马尼拉电力公司/ Manila Electric Company (MERALCO), Philippines
菲律宾国家电网公司/ National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), Philippines
泰国国家电力局/ Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), Thailand
泰国城市电力公司/ Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)Thailand
越南国家输电公司/ National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT), Vietnam
马来西亚国家电力公司/ Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia
新加坡电网有限公司/ Singapore Powergrid Ltd (Singapore), Singapore
3月25日 星期三
AM 上午 全球电力公司商业运营模式创新
PM 下午 东南亚智慧电网最新专案资讯(从智慧电表到AMI基础设备的建设)
3月26日 星期四
AM 上午 创新电力部署与实施
PM 下午 大资料管理、云计算、专案融资与扩张